Source code for clastic.application

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import itertools
from collections import Sequence
from argparse import ArgumentParser

import attr
from werkzeug import test as werkzeug_test
from werkzeug.utils import redirect
from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response, BaseResponse

from .server import run_simple
from .route import (Route,

from .utils import int2hexguid
from .middleware import check_middlewares
from .errors import (HTTPException,
from .sinter import get_arg_names

except NameError:
    # py3
    unicode = str

_REQ_ID_ITER = itertools.count()

def cast_to_route_factory(in_arg):
    if isinstance(in_arg, (Route, SubApplication)):
        return in_arg
    elif isinstance(in_arg, Sequence):
            if isinstance(in_arg[1], Application):
                return SubApplication(*in_arg)
            if callable(in_arg[1]):
                return Route(*in_arg)
        except TypeError:
    raise TypeError('Could not create route from %r' % (in_arg,))

def default_render_error(request, _error, **kwargs):
    # TODO: remove in favor of DefaultErrorHandler?
    best_match = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(MIME_SUPPORT_MAP)
    return _error

def check_valid_wsgi(wsgi_callable):
    if not callable(wsgi_callable):
        raise TypeError('expected WSGI application (%r) to be callable'
                        % (wsgi_callable,))
    wc_args = get_arg_names(wsgi_callable)[:2]
    if (not len(wc_args) == 2
        or wc_args[0] != 'environ'
        or wc_args[1] != 'start_response'):
        raise TypeError('expected WSGI callable (%r)'
                        ' to accept two arguments, `environ` and'
                        ' `start_response`, respectively, not %r'
                        % (wsgi_callable, wc_args))

def _get_all_middlewares(bound_routes):
    # TODO: use merge_middlewares
    all_mw = []

    for broute in reversed(bound_routes):
        for mw in broute.middlewares:
            # use list and eq so mws don't have to be hashable
            if mw not in all_mw:

    return all_mw

def _safe_wrap_wsgi(source_name, source, inner):
    wsgi_wrapper = getattr(source, 'wsgi_wrapper', None)
    if wsgi_wrapper is None:
        return inner  # no wsgi_wrapper, no problem
    elif not callable(wsgi_wrapper):
        raise TypeError('expected %s.wsgi_wrapper to be callable'
                        ' or None, not %r' % (source_name, wsgi_wrapper))

    wrapped_wsgi = wsgi_wrapper(inner)
    except TypeError as te:
        raise TypeError('expected valid WSGI callable from %s'
                        ' (%r) WSGI wrapper (%r), instead'
                        ' got issue: %r'
                        % (source_name, source, wsgi_wrapper, te))
    return wrapped_wsgi

# TODO: Possibly sticking an exception and an endpoint function is a
# bad idea, but it looks good and works from an API perspective
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class RerouteWSGI(Exception): """Raise or use as a route endpoint to route to a different WSGI app. Note that this will have unintended consequences if you have done stateful operations to the environ (such as reading the body of the request) or already called start_response or something similar. It's safest to put this high in the routing table (and middleware stack). """ wsgi_app = attr.ib() def __call__(self): raise self
[docs]class Application(object): """The central object around which Clastic revolves. The Application initializer checks that all endpoints, render functions, and middlewares have their dependencies satisfied before completing construction. If the signatures don't line up, an :exc:`NameError` will be raised. Args: routes (list): A list of Route instances, SubApplications, or tuples. Defaults to ``[]``. Add more with :meth:`~Application.add()`. resources (dict): A dict which will be injectabled to Routes and middlewares in this Application. Keys must all be strings, values can be any Python object. Defaults to ``{}``. middlewares (list): A list of :doc:`middleware` objects. Defaults to ``[]``. render_factory (callable): An optional callable to convert render arguments into callables, such as :class:`~clastic.render.AshesRenderFactory`. debug (bool): Set to ``True`` to enable certain debug behavior in the application. error_handler: *Advanced*: An optional :ref:`ErrorHandler <error-handlers>` instance. Defaults to :class:`~clastic.errors.ErrorHandler`. If *debug* is ``True``, defaults to :class:`~clastic.errors.ContextualErrorHandler`. slash_mode (str): *Advanced*: Controls how the Application handles trailing slashes. One of :data:`clastic.S_REDIRECT`, :data:`~clastic.S_STRICT`, :data:`~clastic.S_REWRITE`. Defaults to :data:`~clastic.S_REDIRECT`. In addition to arguments, certain advanced behaviors can be customized by inheriting from :class:`Application` and overriding attributes: :attr:`~Application.request_type`, :attr:`~Application.response_type`, :attr:`~Application.default_error_handler_type`, and :attr:`~Application.default_debug_error_handler_type`. """ request_type = Request response_type = Response default_error_handler_type = ErrorHandler default_debug_error_handler_type = ContextualErrorHandler def __init__(self, routes=None, resources=None, middlewares=None, render_factory=None, error_handler=None, **kwargs): self.debug = kwargs.pop('debug', None) self.slash_mode = kwargs.pop('slash_mode', S_REDIRECT) if kwargs: raise TypeError('unexpected keyword args: %r' % kwargs.keys()) self.resources = dict(resources or {}) resource_conflicts = [r for r in RESERVED_ARGS if r in self.resources] if resource_conflicts: raise NameError('resource names conflict with builtins: %r' % resource_conflicts) self.middlewares = list(middlewares or []) check_middlewares(self.middlewares) self.render_factory = render_factory self.set_error_handler(error_handler) routes = routes or [] self.routes = [] self._null_route = NullRoute().bind(self) for entry in routes: self.add(entry) all_mws = _get_all_middlewares(self.routes) for mw in reversed(all_mws): self._dispatch_wsgi = _safe_wrap_wsgi('middleware', mw, self._dispatch_wsgi) return
[docs] def set_error_handler(self, error_handler=None): """Sets the :ref:`ErrorHandler <error-handlers>` instance. Call without arguments to reset the error handler to default. .. note:: This method does not reset error handlers in Routes which have already been bound. """ if error_handler is None: if self.debug: deh_type = self.default_debug_error_handler_type else: deh_type = self.default_error_handler_type error_handler = deh_type() check_render_error(error_handler.render_error, self.resources) self._dispatch_wsgi = _safe_wrap_wsgi('error_handler', error_handler, self._dispatch_wsgi) self.error_handler = error_handler
def iter_routes(self): for rt in self.routes: yield rt def __repr__(self): cn = self.__class__.__name__ ret = ('<%s routes_count=%s resources_keys=%r middlewares=%r render_factory=%r slash_mode=%r debug=%r>' % (cn, len(self.routes), list(self.resources.keys()), self.middlewares, self.render_factory, self.slash_mode, self.debug)) return ret
[docs] def add(self, entry, index=None, **kwargs): """Add a :class:`Route` or :class:`SubApplication`. A tuple may also be passed, which will be converted accordingly. Note that as each Route is bound, the Application checks whether the Route's dependencies can be satisfied by the Application. """ if index is None: index = len(self.routes) rf = cast_to_route_factory(entry) kwargs.setdefault('rebind_render', getattr(rf, 'rebind_render', True)) kwargs.setdefault('inherit_slashes', getattr(rf, 'inherit_slashes', True)) if callable(getattr(rf, 'bind_all', None)): bound_routes = rf.bind_all(self, **kwargs) else: bound_routes = [rf.bind(self, **kwargs)] for br in bound_routes: self.routes.insert(index, br) index += 1 return
def _dispatch_wsgi(self, environ, start_response): request = self.request_type(environ) try: # some request objects might not be amenable to assignment request.request_id = next(_REQ_ID_ITER) except Exception: pass else: request.request_guid = int2hexguid(request.request_id) try: response = self.dispatch(request) except RerouteWSGI as rre: return rre.wsgi_app(environ, start_response) return response(environ, start_response) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): return self._dispatch_wsgi(environ, start_response) def dispatch(self, request): ret = None url_path, method = request.path, request.method dispatch_state = DispatchState() err_handler = self.error_handler base_params = dict(self.resources, request=request, _application=self, _dispatch_state=dispatch_state) for route in self.routes + [self._null_route]: path_params = route.match_path(url_path) if path_params is None: continue request.path_params = path_params params = dict(base_params, **path_params) method_allowed = route.match_method(method) if not method_allowed: dispatch_state.update_methods(route.methods) continue if route.is_branch: norm_path = normalize_path(url_path, route.is_branch) if norm_path != url_path: if route.slash_mode == S_REDIRECT: parts = [request.url_root.rstrip('/'), norm_path, '?', request.query_string.decode('utf8')] return redirect(''.join(parts)) # TODO: error_handler elif route.slash_mode == S_STRICT: nf_exc = err_handler.not_found_type(request=request, application=self, source_route=route) dispatch_state.add_exception(nf_exc) continue try: ret = route.execute(**params) if not isinstance(ret, BaseResponse): msg = 'expected Response, received %r' % type(ret) raise TypeError(msg) except RerouteWSGI: raise except Exception as exc: ret = exc if not isinstance(ret, HTTPException): uncaught_params = dict(params, _route=route, _error=ret) ret = err_handler.uncaught_to_response(**uncaught_params) if not isinstance(ret, HTTPException): # TODO: verify behavior break if not getattr(ret, 'source_route', None): ret.source_route = route if getattr(ret, 'is_breaking', True): break else: dispatch_state.add_exception(ret) if isinstance(ret, HTTPException): error_params = dict(params, _error=ret) try: ret = ret.source_route.execute_error(**error_params) except Exception: ret = default_render_error(**error_params) return ret
[docs] def get_local_client(self): """Get a simple local client suitable for using in tests. See `Werkzeug's test Client <>`_ for more info. """ return werkzeug_test.Client(self, Response)
[docs] def serve(self, address='', port=5000, use_meta=True, use_lint=True, use_reloader=True, use_debugger=True, use_static=True, static_prefix='static', static_path=None, processes=None, **kw): """Serve the Application locally, suitable for development purposes. Args: address (str): IP address to bind to (defaults to ``""``, which works for all IPs) port (int): Port to bind on (defaults to ``5000``) use_meta (bool): Whether to automatically add the :doc:`MetaApplication <meta_application>` to ``/_meta/``. Defaults to ``True``. use_reloader (bool): Whether to automatically reload the application when changes to the source code are saved. Defaults to ``True``. use_debugger (bool): Whether to wrap the Application in `werkzeug's debug middleware <>`_ for interactive debugging. (Note that a PIN will be output on stdout and must be used to interact with the error pages.) use_static (bool): Whether to automatically serve *static_path* under *static_prefix*. Defaults to ``True``. static_prefix (str): The URL path where static assets will be served. Defaults to `/static/`. static_path (str): The filesystem path to static assets to serve if *use_static* is ``True``. Defaults to a path named "static" in the current directory (``"./static/"``). processes (int): Number of processes to serve (not recommended for use with *use_debugger*). (Use sparingly; not for production.) .. warning:: The server provided by this method is not intended for production traffic use. """ parser = create_dev_server_parser() args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() address = args.address or address port = args.port if args.port is not None else port kw['use_reloader'] = args.use_reloader and use_reloader kw['use_debugger'] = args.use_debugger and use_debugger if kw['use_debugger']: # TODO: if an error_handler doesn't respect # reraise_uncaught then the debugger won't work self.error_handler.reraise_uncaught = True kw['processes'] = args.processes or processes use_meta = args.use_meta and use_meta use_lint = args.use_lint and use_lint use_static = args.use_static and use_static if use_meta: from .meta import MetaApplication self.add(('/_meta/', MetaApplication())) if use_static: from .static import StaticApplication static_path = args.static_path or static_path or \ os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'static') static_prefix = args.static_prefix or static_prefix static_prefix = '/' + unicode(static_prefix).lstrip('/') static_app = StaticApplication(static_path) self.add((static_prefix, static_app), index=0) if kw.get('_jk_just_testing'): return True run_simple(address, port, self, **kw)
[docs]class DispatchState(object): """The every request handled by an :class:`Application` creates a :class:`DispatchState`, which is used to track relevant state in the routing progress, including which routes were attempted and what exceptions were raised, if any. .. note:: Objects of this type are constructed internally and are not really part of the Clastic API, except that they are one of the built-in injectables. """ def __init__(self): self.exceptions = [] self.allowed_methods = set() self.attempted_routes = [] def add_route(self, route): self.attempted_routes.append(route) def add_exception(self, exception): self.exceptions.append(exception) def update_methods(self, methods): if methods: self.allowed_methods.update(methods) def __repr__(self): args = (self.__class__.__name__, self.exceptions, self.allowed_methods) return '<%s exceptions=%r allowed_methods=%r>' % args
[docs]class SubApplication(object): """Enables :class:`Application` instances to be embedded in other Applications. Note that Routes are copied into the embedding Application, and further modifications to the Application after embedding may not be visible in the root Application. Args: prefix (str): The path prefix under which the embedded Application's routes will appear. ``/`` is valid, and will merge the routes in at the root level of the parent application. app (Application): The Application instance being embedded. rebind_render (bool): **Advanced**: Whether render arguments should be reinterpreted by the embedding application's render factory. Defaults to ``False``. inherit_slashes (bool): **Advanced**: Whether to inherit the embedding application's handling of trailing slashes. Defaults to ``True``. .. note:: This object rarely needs to be constructed manually, because this behavior is built in to the default Application routes argument handling. ``Application(routes=[('/prefix', other_app)])`` automatically creates a SubApplication and embeds it. """ def __init__(self, prefix, app, rebind_render=False, inherit_slashes=True): self.prefix = prefix.rstrip('/') = app self.rebind_render = rebind_render self.inherit_slashes = inherit_slashes def bind_all(self, app, **kwargs): # app is the new app to bind to, is the subapp we're # going to pull routes from. could ret = [] kwargs['prefix'] = self.prefix kwargs.setdefault('rebind_render', self.rebind_render) kwargs.setdefault('inherit_slashes', self.inherit_slashes) for rt in if isinstance(rt, NullRoute): continue bound_rt = rt.bind(app, **kwargs) ret.append(bound_rt) return ret def iter_routes(self): for rt in if isinstance(rt, NullRoute): continue yield rt return
def create_dev_server_parser(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--address') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int) parser.add_argument('--static-path') parser.add_argument('--static-prefix') parser.add_argument('--no-static', dest='use_static', action='store_false') parser.add_argument('--no-meta', dest='use_meta', action='store_false') parser.add_argument('--no-reloader', dest='use_reloader', action='store_false') parser.add_argument('--no-debugger', dest='use_debugger', action='store_false') parser.add_argument('--no-wsgi-lint', dest='use_lint', action='store_false') parser.add_argument('--processes', type=int, help="number of" " processes, if you want a forking server") return parser """ Notes ===== TODO: divide up paths by HTTP method (minor optimization for match speed) TODO: special handling for HTTPExceptions objects raised in debug mode TODO: should TracebackInfo optionally know about exc_type and exc_msg? Redirecting on a non-GET request can lead to a confusing error, because redirects only yield GET responses. Maybe don't normalize slashes on POST and such? Note to self: Raising and returning an exception should look basically the same in production mode. Potentially conflicting rebindables: * render (green-path and red) * slash behavior * debug flag """ """ all_mw = IndexedSet() for broute in reversed(self._bound_routes): for mw in broute.middlewares: all_mw.add(mw) all_wsgi_mw = IndexedSet() for mw in all_mw: all_wsgi_mw.extend(mw.wsgi_mws) """