Source code for clastic.errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""In addition to error handling mechanisms, ``clastic.error`` ships
with exception types for every standard HTTP error.

Because these standard error types inherit from
:class:`HTTPException`, which is both an exception and a Response
type, they can be raised or returned.

Errors are organized by error code, in ascending order. Note that the
``message`` attribute is sometimes called the "name", e.g. "Not Found"
for ``404``.


One notable (if incremental) improvement over Werkzeug's error system
is that 400-level requests share a common base class
(BadRequest). Same goes for do 500-coded requests

Another note: If you subclass any of these errors, make sure
the __init__ accepts **kwargs.

Clastic HTTP exceptions seek to provide a general structure for errors
that readily translates to common human- and machine-readable formats
(i.e., JSON, XML, HTML, plain text). It does so with the following

- code (required): Defines the fundamental class of error, as
  according to the HTTP spec, usually implied by the HTTPException
  subclass being used
- message: A short message describing the error, defaulting to
  the one specified by HTTP (e.g., 403 -> "Forbidden",
  404 -> "Not Found")
- detail: A longer-form description of the message, used as
  the body of the response. Could include an explanation of the error,
  trace information, or unique identifiers. Structured values
  will be JSON-ified.
- error_type: A short value specifying the specific subtype of HTTP
  (e.g., for 403, "")

TODO: naming scheme?
TODO: HTTPException could well be a metaclass
TODO: weird print/repr bug (prints blank)
TODO: enable detail to be a templatable thing?
TODO: 500-level errors should support a structured traceback field?

Possible values to support templating:

* Target URL
* Referring URL
* Method
* Allowed methods

import sys
import datetime
    import exceptions
    from cgi import escape as html_escape
    PY_VERSION = 2
except ImportError:
    unicode = str
    import builtins as exceptions  # lol py3
    from html import escape as html_escape
    PY_VERSION = 3

from werkzeug.utils import get_content_type
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication
from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseResponse
from boltons.tbutils import ExceptionInfo, ContextualExceptionInfo
from glom import glom, T

from . import _version
from .render.simple import ClasticJSONEncoder
from ._contextual_errors import CONTEXTUAL_ENV


__all__ = []  # for docs purposes, gets inited by _module_init

def _module_init():
    global __all__
    global ERROR_CODE_MAP
    for k, v in globals().items():
            if issubclass(v, HTTPException):
                ERROR_CODE_MAP[v.code] = v
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):

    __all__.extend([v.__name__ for k, v in
                           key=lambda x: x[1].code or 0)
                    if k])

MIME_SUPPORT_MAP = {'text/html': 'html',
                    'application/json': 'json',
                    'text/plain': 'text',
                    'application/xml': 'xml'}
DEFAULT_MIME = 'text/plain'

[docs]class HTTPException(BaseResponse, Exception): """The base :class:`Exception` for all default HTTP errors in this module, the HTTPException also inherits from :class:`BaseResponse`, making instances of it and its subtypes valid to use via raising, as well as returning from endpoints and render functions. Args: detail (str): A string with information about the exception. Appears in the body of the HTML error page. code (int): A numeric HTTP status code (e.g., ``400`` or ``500``). message (str): A short name for the error, (e.g., ``"Not Found"``) error_type (str): An error type name **or link** to a page with details about the type of error. Useful for linking to docs. is_breaking (bool): *Advanced*: For integrating with Clastic's routing system, set to ``True`` to specify that this error instance should not preempt trying routes further down the routing table. If no other route matches or succeeds, this error will be raised. source_route (Route): *Advanced*: The route instance that raised this exception. mimetype (str): A MIME type to return in the Response headers. content_type (str): A Content-Type to return in the Response headers. headers (dict): A mapping of custom headers for the Response. Defaults to ``None``. .. note:: The base HTTPException includes simple serialization to text, HTML, XML, and JSON. So if a client requests a particular format (using the ``Accept`` header), it will automatically respond in that format. It defaults to ``text/plain`` if the requested MIME type is not recognized. """ code = None message = 'Error' detail = 'An unspecified error occurred.' def __init__(self, detail=None, **kwargs): self.detail = detail or self.detail self.message = kwargs.pop('message', self.message) self.code = kwargs.pop('code', self.code) self.error_type = kwargs.pop('error_type', None) self.is_breaking = kwargs.pop('is_breaking', True) self.source_route = kwargs.pop('source_route', None) headers = kwargs.pop('headers', None) mimetype = kwargs.pop('mimetype', DEFAULT_MIME) content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None) super(HTTPException, self).__init__(response=self.to_text(), status=self.code, headers=headers, mimetype=DEFAULT_MIME, content_type=content_type) if mimetype != DEFAULT_MIME: self.adapt(mimetype) return def adapt(self, mimetype=None): try: fmt_name = MIME_SUPPORT_MAP[mimetype] except KeyError: fmt_name, mimetype = 'text', 'text/plain' _method = getattr(self, 'to_' + fmt_name) = _method() self.headers['Content-Type'] = get_content_type(mimetype, self.charset) def transcribe(self, request): # TODO # create a new Response object with content and headers # adapted to Accept headers pass def to_dict(self): ret = {'detail': self.detail, 'message': self.message, 'code': self.code, 'error_type': self.error_type} return ret def to_escaped_dict(self): ret = {} for k, v in self.to_dict().items(): if v is None: ret[k] = '' continue try: ret[k] = html_escape(v, True) except Exception as e: ret[k] = html_escape(repr(v), True) return ret def to_json(self, indent=2, sort_keys=True, skipkeys=True): encoder = ClasticJSONEncoder(dev_mode=True, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, ensure_ascii=False, skipkeys=skipkeys) return encoder.encode(self.to_dict()) def to_text(self): lines = ['%s - %s' % (self.code, self.message)] if self.detail: lines.extend(['', self.detail]) if self.error_type: lines.extend(['', 'Error type: %s' % self.error_type]) return '\n'.join(lines) def to_html(self): params = self.to_escaped_dict() lines = ['<!doctype html><html>', '<head><title>{code} - {message}</title></head>', '<body><h1>{message}</h1>'] if params['detail']: lines.append('<p>{detail}</p>') if params['error_type']: if params['error_type'].startswith('http'): lines.append('<p>Error type: ' '<a target="_blank" href="{error_type}">' '{error_type}</a></p>') else: lines.append('<p>Error type: {error_type}</p>') lines.append('</body></html>') return '\n'.join(lines).format(**params) def to_xml(self): # TODO: generically create xml based on escaped dictionary params = self.to_escaped_dict() ret = ('<http_error>' '<code>{code}</code>' '<message>{message}</message>' '<detail>{detail}</detail>' '<error_type>{error_type}</error_type>' '</http_error>').format(**params) return ret def __repr__(self): cn = self.__class__.__name__ return '%s(message=%r)' % (cn, getattr(self, 'message', '')) def __str__(self): if not self.detail: ret = self.message elif isinstance(self.detail, unicode): ret = self.detail else: ret = repr(self.detail) if len(ret) > 512: ret = ret[:256] + '...' + ret[-253:] return ret
[docs]class BadRequest(HTTPException): code = 400 message = "Bad Request" detail = ("Your web client or proxy sent a request" " that this endpoint could not understand.")
[docs]class Unauthorized(BadRequest): code = 401 message = "Authentication required" detail = ("The endpoint could not verify that your client" " is authorized to access this resource. Check" " that your client is capable of authenticating" " and that the proper credentials were provided.")
[docs]class PaymentRequired(BadRequest): "HTTP cares about your paywall." code = 402 message = "Payment required" detail = ("This endpoint requires payment. Money doesn't" " grow on HTTPs, you know.")
[docs]class Forbidden(BadRequest): code = 403 message = "Access forbidden" detail = ("You don't have permission to access the requested" " resource.")
class NotFound(BadRequest): code = 404 message = "Not found" detail = "The requested URL was not found on this server." def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.dispatch_state = kwargs.get('dispatch_state', None) super(NotFound, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class MethodNotAllowed(BadRequest): code = 405 message = "Method not allowed" detail = "The method used is not allowed for the requested URL." def __init__(self, allowed_methods=None, *args, **kwargs): self.allowed_methods = set(allowed_methods or []) # TODO: should go after super call? if self.allowed_methods: method_list = sorted(self.allowed_methods) self.detail = '%s Allowed methods: %r' % (self.detail, method_list) super(MethodNotAllowed, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class NotAcceptable(BadRequest): code = 406 message = "Available content not acceptable" detail = ("The endpoint cannot generate a response acceptable" " by your client (as specified by your client's" " Accept header values).")
[docs]class ProxyAuthenticationRequired(BadRequest): code = 407 message = "Proxy authentication required" detail = ("A proxy between your server and the client requires" " authentication to access this resource.")
[docs]class RequestTimeout(BadRequest): code = 408 message = "Request timed out" detail = ("The server cancelled the request because the client" " did not complete the request within the alotted time.")
[docs]class Conflict(BadRequest): code = 409 message = "A conflict occurred" detail = ("The endpoint cancelled the request due to a potential" " conflict with existing server state, such as a" " duplicate filename.")
[docs]class Gone(BadRequest): code = 410 message = "Gone" detail = ("The requested resource is no longer available on this" " server and there is no forwarding address.")
[docs]class LengthRequired(BadRequest): code = 411 message = "Length required" detail = ("A request for this resource is required to have a" " valid Content-Length header.")
[docs]class PreconditionFailed(BadRequest): code = 412 message = "Precondition failed" detail = ("A required precondition on the request for this" " resource failed positive evaluation.")
[docs]class RequestEntityTooLarge(BadRequest): code = 413 message = "Request entity too large" detail = ("The method/resource combination requested does" " not allow data to be transmitted, or the data" " volume exceeds the capacity limit.")
[docs]class RequestURITooLong(BadRequest): code = 414 message = "Request URL too long" detail = ("The length of the requested URL exceeds the" " limit for this endpoint/server.")
[docs]class UnsupportedMediaType(BadRequest): code = 415 message = "Unsupported media type" detail = ("The server does not support the media type" " transmitted in the request. Try a different media" " type or check your Content-Type header and try again.")
[docs]class RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable(BadRequest): code = 416 message = "Requested range not satisfiable" detail = ("The client sent a ranged request not fulfillable by" " this endpoint.")
[docs]class ExpectationFailed(BadRequest): "Can't. always. get. what you want." code = 417 message = "Expectation failed" detail = ("The server could not meet the requirements indicated in" " the request's Expect header(s).")
[docs]class ImATeapot(BadRequest): "Standards committees are known for their senses of humor." code = 418 message = "I'm a teapot: short, stout." detail = ("This server is a teapot, not a coffee machine, and would" " like to apologize in advance if it is a Java machine.")
[docs]class UnprocessableEntity(BadRequest): code = 422 message = "Unprocessable entity" detail = ("The client sent a well-formed request, but the endpoint" " encountered other semantic errors within the data.")
[docs]class UpgradeRequired(BadRequest): "Used to upgrade connections (to TLS, etc., RFC2817). Also WebSockets." code = 426 message = "Upgrade required" detail = ("The server requires an upgraded connection to continue." " This is expected behavior when establishing certain" " secure connections or WebSockets.")
[docs]class PreconditionRequired(BadRequest): code = 428 message = "Precondition required" detail = ("This endpoint requires a request with a conditional clause." " Try resubmitting the request with an 'If-Match' or " " 'If-Unmodified-Since' HTTP header.")
[docs]class TooManyRequests(BadRequest): code = 429 message = "Too many requests" detail = ("The client has exceeded the allowed rate of requests for" " this resource. Please wait and try again later.")
[docs]class RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(BadRequest): code = 431 message = "Request header fields too large" detail = ("One or more HTTP header fields exceeded the maximum" " allowed size.")
[docs]class UnavailableForLegalReasons(BadRequest): "Sit back and enjoy the Bradbury" code = 451 message = "Unavailable for legal reasons" detail = ("The resource requested is unavailable for legal reasons." " For instance, this could be due to intellectual property" " claims related to copyright or trademark, or government" "-mandated censorship.")
# # 500s below # class InternalServerError(HTTPException): code = 500 message = "Internal server error" detail = ("The server encountered an internal error and was unable" " to complete your request.") def __init__(self, detail=None, **kwargs): self.exc_info = kwargs.pop('exc_info', None) super(InternalServerError, self).__init__(detail, **kwargs) if self.error_type is None: try: exc_type_name = self.exc_info.exc_type exc_type = getattr(exceptions, exc_type_name) self.error_type = STDLIB_EXC_URL + exc_type.__name__ except Exception: pass def to_dict(self): ret = super(InternalServerError, self).to_dict() ret['exc_info'] = glom(self, T.exc_info.to_dict(), skip_exc=Exception) return ret
[docs]class NotImplemented(InternalServerError): code = 501 message = "Response behavior not implemented" detail = ("The resource requested has either not been implemented or" " does not yet support the action requested by the client.")
[docs]class BadGateway(InternalServerError): code = 502 message = "Bad gateway" detail = ("The endpoint received an invalid response from an upstream" " server while processing your request. Check that all" " upstream dependencies are properly configured and running.")
[docs]class ServiceUnavailable(InternalServerError): code = 503 message = "Service or resource unavailable" detail = ("The service or resource requested is temporarily unavailable" " due to maintenance downtime or capacity issues. Please try" " again later.")
[docs]class GatewayTimeout(InternalServerError): code = 504 message = "Gateway timeout" detail = ("The endpoint timed out while waiting for a response from an" " upstream server. check that all upstream dependencies are" " properly configured and running.")
[docs]class HTTPVersionNotSupported(InternalServerError): code = 505 message = "HTTP version not supported" detail = ("The endpoint does not support the version of HTTP specified" " by the request.")
[docs]class ErrorHandler(object): """The default Clastic error handler. Provides minimal detail, suitable for a production setting. Args: reraise_uncaught (bool): Set to `True` if you want uncaught exceptions to be handled by the WSGI server rather than by this Clastic error handler. """ wsgi_wrapper = None # TODO: allow overriding redirects (?) # 404 not_found_type = NotFound # 405 method_not_allowed_type = MethodNotAllowed # 500 exc_info_type = ExceptionInfo server_error_type = InternalServerError def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.reraise_uncaught = kwargs.get('reraise_uncaught')
[docs] def render_error(self, request, _error): """ Turn an :exc:`HTTPException` into a Response of your Like endpoints and render functions, ``render_error()`` supports injection of any built-in arguments, as well as the `_error` argument (an instance of :exc:`HTTPException`, so feel free to adapt the signature as needed. This method is attached to Routes as they are bound into Applications. Routes can technically override this behavior, but generally a Route's error handling reflects that of the Error Handler in the root application where it is bound. By default this method just adapts the response between text, HTML, XML, and JSON. """ best_match = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(MIME_SUPPORT_MAP) _error.adapt(best_match) return _error
[docs] def uncaught_to_response(self, _application, _route, **kwargs): """Called in the ``except:`` block of Clastic's routing. Must take the currently-being-handled exception and **return** a response instance. The default behavior returns an instance of whatever type is set in the `server_error_type` attribute (:class:`InternalServerError`, by default). Note that when inheriting, the method signature should accept ``**kwargs``, as Clastic does not inject arguments as it does with endpoint functions, etc. """ if self.reraise_uncaught: raise eh = _application.error_handler exc_info = eh.exc_info_type.from_current() return eh.server_error_type(repr(exc_info), exc_info=exc_info, source_route=_route)
[docs]class ContextualInternalServerError(InternalServerError): """\ An Internal Server Error with a full contextual view of the exception, mostly for development (non-production) purposes. # NOTE: The dict returned by to_dict is not JSON-encodable with the default encoder. It relies on the ClasticJSONEncoder currently used in the InternalServerError class. """ def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.request = kw.get('request') self.hide_internal_frames = kw.pop('hide_internal_frames', True) super(ContextualInternalServerError, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
[docs] def to_dict(self, *a, **kw): ret = super(ContextualInternalServerError, self).to_dict(*a, **kw) del ret['exc_info'] exc_info = getattr(self, 'exc_info', None) if not exc_info: return ret exc_tb = exc_info.tb_info.to_dict() for i, frame in enumerate(exc_tb['frames']): if self.hide_internal_frames: if not frame['line'] and frame['module_path'] == '<string>': frame['is_hidden'] = True elif frame['module_name'] == 'clastic.sinter' and \ frame['func_name'] == 'inject': frame['is_hidden'] = True frame['id'] = i pre_start_lineno = glom(frame, T['pre_lines'][0]['lineno'], default=1) frame['pre_start_lineno'] = pre_start_lineno frame['post_start_lineno'] = frame['lineno'] + 1 last_frame = glom(exc_tb, T['frames'][-1], default=None) eid = {'is_email': False, 'clastic_version': _version.__version__, 'exc_type': exc_info.exc_type, 'exc_value': exc_info.exc_msg, 'exc_tb': exc_tb, 'last_frame': last_frame, 'exc_tb_str': str(exc_info.tb_info), 'server_time': str(, 'server_time_utc': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), 'python': {'executable': sys.executable, 'version': sys.version.replace('\n', ' '), 'path': sys.path}} request = self.request if request: eid['req'] = {'path': request.path, 'full_url': request.url, 'method': request.method, 'abs_path': request.path, 'url_params': request.args, 'cookies': request.cookies, 'headers': request.headers, 'files': request.files} ret.update(eid) return ret
[docs] def to_html(self, *a, **kw): render_ctx = self.to_dict() return CONTEXTUAL_ENV.render('500.html', render_ctx)
[docs]class ContextualNotFound(NotFound): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.request = kw.get('request') self.application = kw.get('application') self.dispatch_state = kw.get('dispatch_state') super(ContextualNotFound, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ One design ideal, for showing which routes have been hit: [{'route': ('pattern', 'endpoint', 'render_func'), 'path_matched': False, 'method_matched': False, 'slash_matched': False}] """ ret = super(ContextualNotFound, self).to_dict() app = self.application if not app: return ret route_results = [] for route in app.routes: cur = {'pattern': route.pattern, 'regex': route.regex.pattern} if route.methods: cur['methods'] = sorted(route.methods) route_results.append(cur) ret['routes'] = route_results if self.request: ret['request'] = _req = {} _req['path'] = self.request.path _req['method'] = self.request.method return ret
[docs] def to_html(self, *a, **kw): render_ctx = self.to_dict() return CONTEXTUAL_ENV.render('404.html', render_ctx)
[docs]class ContextualErrorHandler(ErrorHandler): """An error handler which offers a bit of debugging context, including a stack and locals (for server errors) and routes tried (for 404s). Might be OK for some internal tools, but should generally not be used for production. """ exc_info_type = ContextualExceptionInfo server_error_type = ContextualInternalServerError not_found_type = ContextualNotFound def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.hide_internal_frames = kw.pop('hide_internal_frames', True) super(ContextualErrorHandler, self).__init__(*a, **kw) def uncaught_to_response(self, _application, _route, **kwargs): eh = _application.error_handler exc_info = eh.exc_info_type.from_current() SEType = eh.server_error_type return SEType(repr(exc_info), exc_info=exc_info, source_route=_route, request=kwargs.get('request'), hide_internal_frames=self.hide_internal_frames)
class _REPLDebuggedApplication(DebuggedApplication): def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): kwargs['evalex'] = True super(_REPLDebuggedApplication, self).__init__(app, **kwargs)
[docs]class REPLErrorHandler(ContextualErrorHandler): """This error handler wraps the Application in a `Werkzeug debug middleware <>`_. """ wsgi_wrapper = _REPLDebuggedApplication def uncaught_to_response(self, **kwargs): raise
## END ERROR HANDLER _module_init()